Why We Need the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit and why do we need Him?

Terry Modica of Good News Ministries (GNM.org) speaks to us of why the world so desperately needs the Holy Spirit.

People are searching for truth, knowledge and wisdom, and many do not have a fear of the Lord or recognize sin. She discusses with us the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and how the Spirit helps guide us in our everyday lives as we discern understanding and His will.

The Power of the Holy Spirit and the Fruits

Terry emphasizes how essential the Holy Spirit is throughout life.

The Holy Spirit is God’s invisible and Divine Presence. With the Holy Spirit we are able to discern truth in our life, receive the gifts and fruits from the Holy Spirit and ultimately use our body as a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell within.

When we suffer throughout life, God always has a purpose for our struggles. The fruits are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us and include joy, peace, patience, gentleness, self-control, and chastity.


Jesus told the apostles that He would send a helper, the Paraclete, to be always with us.

Now more than ever we must spread truth to a hurting world, and be a light on the mountaintop.

We should go out and spread the Good News, and not be afraid for God is always with us. Come Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth!

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