After Suicide - There Is Hope For Them And For You

People are not automatically doomed

Today’s interview is with Father Chris Alar, MIC, who speaks about the need for hope and the difficult topic of suicide, and refers to his book, After Suicide: There Is Hope for Them and for You, available at

Father explains that the Catechism states that there are mitigating circumstances that can effect a persons circumstances. Because of these circumstances, these persons taking their own lives might not be fully responsible for their actions. We should not despair and judge regarding the salvation of those who have taken their own life, because we know that God alone offers repentance and is merciful. In the eternal now, all is present with God. There is no such thing as past or future and everything is the present for God, and our prayers are always beneficial even for those in the past. For He sees all and knows all.

The Divine Mercy Chaplet and praying for the dead

Jesus told St. Faustina that when one prays for the sick and dying, He will be at the bedside of the dying, not as a Just Judge but the merciful Savior. By praying the chaplet for the dead or those who are dying, we are intercessors and imploring God’s mercy on the dying soul. We believe that our prayers will, even decades later, help those who have committed suicide or have left this earth. Father discusses an interesting quote by padre Pio when asked why he was praying for a deceased relative.

What is “Indirect Suicide?”

Suicide has now become a pandemic aggravated by opioids, alcohol, and relationship abuse. People may commit suicide indirectly and not intentional from abuse of these things. It begins with the seed of sin, and continues to grow and grow, often coming to the point that the addict is so bound in chains that Again, recovery is difficult and those suffering must humble themselves, repent and be baptized again in the Blood and Water of christ. We know that Jesus saves, and that God’s mercy is unfathomable!

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