The Triad of Success - Academia, Work Place Experiences, and Learning the Faith

St. John Bosco, founder of the Salesians, was a man of many dreams.

A well known dream was the boat of the Church in a rocky storm being steered by a Pope. There were two pillars ahead, and when the boat was anchored by each pillar, the waters calmed and the storm subsided. The pillars were the Eucharist and Our Lady!

A Unique Model of Education

The Cristo Rey (Christ the King) school in Tampa, like the other Salesian schools across the country, has a unique educational model.

Academics are stressed and the students go to school for four days during the week. On the fifth day the students gain workplace experience in a variety of businesses and learn basic work skills. They go to a variety of businesses, including financial, technologic, law enforcement, and more.

Another major component is the emphasis on one’s faith and the saving of souls.

Faith in the School

The focus on development of the students into faith-filled members of society is most critical.

The school emphasizes those economically in need, as a family of four must not make more than $40,000 a year. The money they make working is used to help pay for their education.

The graduation rate and entrance into college is very high and a true success story.

Chapel and Reliquary

If in the Tampa area, Father welcomes you to visit, and especially visit the Chapel dedicated to “Mary, Help of Christians,” and also see the reliquary.

For more information on the school, visit, but remember, if you live elsewhere, there may be a Cristo Rey school near you.

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