His Excellency Bishop David Toups of the diocese of Beaumont, Texas, speaks to us today on the gift of the Eucharist, the biblical teachings on the Eucharist, and how it must be at the center of our Catholic Faith. He was ordained in the diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida, and in June 2020, was appointed Bishop by Pope Francis. His episcopal motto is, “For those who love God, all things work together for good.”
Bishop realized that he had a calling to the priesthood at an early age. He was ordained by retired Bishop Robert Lynch and served in several parishes and at the regional seminary as a priest before being appointed bishop.
The Church has set aside these three years to help the laity understand the Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. While some polls report only half of Catholics currently hold a belief in His presence, statistics here may be skewed because participants who self-report as Catholic are often not practicing. We have great reason to be hopeful because as Bishop Toupes noted, the Eucharist is the sum and summit of our Faith. He quoted from John Chapter six and pointed out that even the apostles were perplexed and confused during Christ’s discourse on the Eucharist. Many left never to return. Peter himself didn’t understand, yet still turned to the Lord and told Him that there was nowhere else to go as he had the words of eternal life. This same faith was held by the early Church fathers who understood the Real presence as documented by their writings.
Catholics make up the largest group of Christians and fallen away Catholics make up the second largest group. It's important to imagine how full the churches today would be if all those who are fallen away truly understood Christ’s presence. For those who do, absence is not an option. That is why education about and devotion to the Eucharist can conquer so many souls!
Bishop Toupes has begun strategies and efforts in his diocese to help Catholics understand the great gift of the Eucharist, especially surrounding the image of Jesus we see in the divine mercy Image, the very same Jesus that we receive in the Eucharist each mass.
In the words of St. Louis Eymard, “May Thy Eucharistic Kingdom Come!”
Father Antony Tinker discusses “Setting the Earth on Fire!”
Mark Drogin was a Jewish atheist and socialist but is now a devout Catholic. Did he ever quit being Jewish once he believed in Jesus? Listen to Mark discuss his conversion and journey and the need for trust in God.
Kristen Thierault delves into her book, “When the Sickle Swings: Stories of Catholics Who Survived Communist Oppression.”