Father Philip Scott is the founder of "The Family of Jesus", an order based in the Amazon region of Peru bordering Colombia and Bolivia. The order includes priests, brothers, and nuns. You can check out their website at FamiliaDeJesusPeru.org.
Father’s mother had gynecologic problems and was scheduled for surgery. While on the table, she heard Jesus speak to her and say, “You must not do this.” Months later, she delivered twin sons, now Father Philip and Father Martin, both Catholic priests.
Father awakens at 1 a.m. for personal prayer. Community prayer begins at 5 a.m. followed by Mass, silent time, and manual chores. Prayers occur throughout the day. Every Friday there is “Heart Night,” where the community comes together for a heartfelt sharing of the week's experiences.
Through Baptism, we join the family of God, the Trinity. Like little children, we are incredibly weak. We must learn that this is one of our greatest blessings, as it draws us to recognize our total dependence on God. Like in all families, communication is key. We must try to be heartfelt in our communication with God and others. Our Lady can help guide us to deeper relation within the perfect family, the trinity.
Father works with the people to help them understand life is not just about work. We must throw our survival skills out the window. This striving for self-sufficiency is common to people all over the world; however, in the West, he noted that we often cover it up with the “toys” of materialism. It is a mindset of fear that destroys our inner peace.
God's love, which is perfect, casts out all fear. To encounter this love, we can go to Confession, where trust in God’s love is renewed. As Saint Faustina noted in her diary, it is in the Confessional that the greatest miracles take place.
For more information on the order, or to have Father Philip speak in your parish or conference, go to FamiliaDeJesusPeru.org.
Rose Sweet is a highly experienced and certified life and relationship coach, and a pioneer in the field of divorce healing ministry.
In today's podcast, we connect with Marie Romagnano, MSN, RN, CCM-R, a retired trauma nurse who founded Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy over 20 years ago.
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