Over the centuries, Our Blessed Mother has made countless appearances to people all over the world in an attempt to bring them closer to her Son, Jesus Christ.
In Roy Varghese’s book, Contact: 50 verified Encounters with the Virgin Mary, he evaluates these encounters from a scientific perspective, and examines the theme and enduring evidence of each. In this interview we discuss three: the apparitions to Catherine Labourre in Rue de Bac, the apparitions witnessed by thousands in Zeitoun, Egypt, and lastly those to Bernardo Martinez in Cuapa, Nicaragua.
Our Lady initially appeared to Catherine Labourre, a nun in the order of St. Vincent, on St. Vincent's feast day of July, 18, 1830. She was beautiful and is described as wearing a long white dress and her head was covered with a white veil. Catherine said it was impossible to describe her ravishing beauty.
In another vision, she was standing on a globe and there were words in gold surrounding her that read, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” She asked that medals be struck with this image.
After the medals were made, miracles began to happen to those who wore it. The story of Alphonse Ratisbonne is particularly fascinating. He was Jewish and despised the Catholic Faith. He eventually became a priest.
Catherine Labourre was canonized a saint and her incorrupt body is interred in the chapel Rue de Bac, Paris.
Zeitoun, Egypt has historical significance as it was previously named Mataria, and was a town that the Holy Family traversed during their exodus to Egypt when they were escaping from King Herod.
Our Lady appeared over a Coptic Church, and thousands witnessed the apparition, even president Nasser of Egypt, and many Christians of all faiths, muslims, and non-believers.
Our Lady appeared to Bernardo Martinez, a poor peasant who later became a priest, in a small town in Nicaragua called Cuapa. In the native language, Cuapa means, “crushing the servant's head with a blow.” She encouraged people to pray the Rosary daily and pray from the heart. There were many luminous phenomena and prophecies fulfilled.
You can pick up your copy of Roy Vargese’s book at Amazon.com.
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