The Church, Satan, and Exorcism

Does the devil really exist? Is there good and evil, or are all of us going straight to heaven? What is an exorcism and who can perform them? How can there be a devil and evil in the world if God is so merciful?

The devil is nothing against the mercy of God. ~ Fr. Gabriele Amorth

Evil exists because free will exists. We choose whether to be righteous and obedient, leading to eternal life, or disobedient and wicked, leading to the just punishment of eternal fire.

John 4:24 “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” Our God is a just and merciful God who loves and forgives unconditionally. Because of our pride and lack of repentance, some choose hell. Repentance from sin and to faith in the promises of the Cross, in which Christ laid down his life for all of us. “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Humility and turning away from sin

Humility is the wisdom to know that you are who you are by the grace of God and all is a gift from God. To become “owned” by materialism is a prideful sin, as all these things rust and fade away when we die. Chasing after our own wants and not the wants of God is vanity.

The fruit of humility turns us away from the love of wealth and acceptance and opens our eyes to what Jesus preaches. Humility, purity, and the true love of God is not something this world promotes. The world emphasizes materialism and truth is relative.

The Church is a spiritual hospital

The Catholic Church is a vital instrument and teacher for performing exorcisms for those in need.

Priests are trained in seminary and taught how to overcome demons who manifest themselves in other souls. However, depending on the severity of the demon certain priests, commissioned by their bishop, perform the “major” exorcisms according to the rite of the Catholic Church. These specially commissioned priests are called "exorcists."

It's important that exorcists are discrete in carrying out Jesus’ ministry of exorcism. Concealing priests names and refraining from publishing various stories of exorcisms, allows the priest to freely minister to the possessed.

Exorcisms and the power of prayers

An exorcism is the act of liberating those from evil oppression, captivity, or possession.

A priest is a physician of souls and the church is a hospital and safe haven for those taunted and sick by the evil one.

“Tools of the trade” include the Cross, the Eucharist, prayers, holy oil and water, and of course, faith and the recognition that God is Lord and we are strong through baptism.

The demonic spirit may try to scare the exorcist, but fear is the work and the devil and demons are afraid of the baptized. The Our Father prayer was revealed to all of us by Jesus and is a strong prayer against the evil one.

Another father figure is St. Joseph, whose name means “guardian of the Redeemer and terror of demons.” Satan is truly terrified of the power of Jesus and trembles at His name. We must never forget God is always with us, and we are never alone.

Be not afraid!

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