It is an obligation of the Church on certain days to Fast and Abstain from meat, and to pray and do almsgiving every day. Fr. Chris Alar explains why do we do penances and what is the meaning within and outside of Lent.
Who was St. Faustina? With so much out there about St. Faustina, what is most important? Fr. Chris Alar explains the life and spirituality of St. Faustina and why Jesus chose her to help prepare the world for His final coming.
What makes the Catholic Church different from all other religions of the world is the Sacraments. Baptism impresses the Christian character in the soul, allowing the other sacraments. Baptism is necessary for salvation for all those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed. Fr. Chris Alar explains why this is so, mainly because it confers the first sanctifying grace and the supernatural virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Also, he explains why baptizing infants is actually in the Bible and is something that was done by Christians since the very beginning of the Church.
What are the signs, as foretold in Scripture, that will precede the end times and the second coming of Christ? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, in this first of a 3-part series as he explains the signs and talks with Daniel O’Connor, an expert on eschatology, the study of the end times.