What is an Average Day for a Marian Priest? Fr. Chris Alar explains what they do.
Join Br. Jason Lewis of the Marian Fathers at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy as he explains what the Assumption of Mary is and why it is so important that it is called a "Dogma."
What does it mean to be the Vicar of Christ? What does Church teaching that the Pope is infallible really mean? It isn't what you think. Join Fr. Chris Alar as he explains what the Church really teaches about the papacy, the Ordinary Magisterium, the Extraordinary Magisterium, Apostolic Succession, Ex Cathedra, etc. and if the Pope can make an error or not.
We hear a lot these days about “Generational Healing” and “Healing the Family Tree.” No Magisterial document of the Catholic Church promotes this concept.