We are all called by God to a vocation, whether to consecrated life and serving Him; to the single life; or to marriage – we are all called to holiness. Father Donald Calloway, MIC, explains what a vocation is, and how to hear God telling you what your vocation might be. Then hear the story of Burke Masters, who thought his vocation was to be a Major League baseball player, but then God threw him a curveball.
Watch Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, and the Marian Fathers and Brothers from the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy on our weekly show, "Living Divine Mercy," airing on EWTN every Wednesday at 6:30 pm EST, with an encore presentation on Mondays at 9:00 am EST. Through teaching segments, Bible and St. Faustina Diary excerpts, as well as real-life examples of people who are living Divine Mercy in their lives, you will learn why Jesus said Divine Mercy is mankind's last hope of salvation!
There are many ways to deepen your devotion and relationship with St. Joseph. Fr. Donald Calloway offers a few key ideas for consideration and it’s still not too late to enroll and participate in the Marians’ Novena to St. Joseph, which begins March 11, 2023.
Father Chris explains Purgatory, and how we can help our loved ones achieve the purification necessary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Especially on All Souls Day and during the month of November, we honor our faithful departed.
Is Ash Wednesday a holy day of obligation? Why do we receive ashes? What are the Church's rules on fasting and abstinence? Fr. Chris Alar, MIC has the answers to these and other questions about the holy season of Lent that we are entering into.