Incorruptibles and Relics

What does science have to say about a saint's body when it is found to be incorruptible? Why do Catholics venerate relics? Is this science or superstition? Is it faith or paganism? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, to hear about this fascinating subject. And hear the story of a man who made his living as a chef, feeding bodies, to become a priest, feeding souls.

Watch Fr. Chris Alar, MIC and the Marian Fathers and Brothers from the National Shrine of Divine Mercy on our new show Living Divine Mercy airing every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. ET on EWTN. Through teaching segments, Bible and St. Faustina Diary excerpts, as well as real-life examples of people who are living Divine Mercy in their lives, you will learn why Jesus said Divine Mercy is mankind's last hope of salvation!

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