Scientific Explanation of the Shroud of Turin

Scientific explanation of the Shroud of Turin

In today’s podcast we speak with Mark Antonucci; author of Test The Shroud: At the Atomic and Molecular Levels and Resurrection of the Shroud: New Scientific, Medical, and Archeological Evidence. Mark has been studying the Shroud of Turin in depth for forty years.

The Image on the shroud is a three dimensional image on a two dimensional linen cloth. The features on the image are encoded in direct proportion to their distance from the cloth. In addition, the Shroud is the negative image. Luigi Gonella, an expert on the Shroud, said that, "an agent acting at a distance with decreasing intensity is almost by definition a radiation event.”

Mr. Antonucci discusses how the man in the image was crucified, and marks are consistent with over 100 scourge marks and use of a Roman flagrum and lancea, the latter piercing his chest. He discusses the findings of grains of pollen endemic to Jerusalem and other supporting findings.

Are the findings all in?

Mr. Antonucci discusses how the Carbon 14 data from studies 40 years ago were flawed.

He reviews neutron and proton particle radiation, unknown science from 40 years ago, and how further studies need to be done as the by-products of that radiation are radioactive isotopes that would make the Carbon 14 dating inaccurate.

More studies needed

Many scientists understood that the body is of a man beaten and killed Roman execution style, exactly the same way Jesus was killed.

Mr. Antonucci explains that neutron and proton particle radiation can explain the image on the Shroud and most accurately date the Image. One could also do testing on the most likely tomb site, and if radioactive Carbon particles exist dating to the time of Jesus’ execution, it would also lend more credence to the Shroud being the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.

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