Learn how St. Faustina is the secretary of Divine Mercy.
When people say, “I don’t need to go to church. I’m spiritual, I’m not into organized religion," remind them that Jesus Himself organized religion – the Catholic Church. Discover how, in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus established the Church, giving His Apostles the authority to forgive sins and act in His Name. Then be inspired by former NFL quarterback Elvis Grbac as he shares the importance of the Church to him and his family.
Join us as Fr. Chris Alar explains how Advent is a penitential season like Lent, as we prepare ourselves for the three comings of Christ: the Incarnation, the Second Coming, and the coming of Jesus into our hearts through the Eucharist.
Fr. Chris explains what the prophecy from heaven at Fatima and other apparition sites are telling us about the current events regarding Russia and Ukraine and what they mean according to Church teaching.