Father Tim Byerley is pastor at St. Peter Catholic Church in southern New Jersey, and also serves as Vice-Postulator for the cause of beatification of Maria Esperanza. Father knew her since 1994. She died in 2004.
Maria’s mystical experiences began as a young child. As a young woman she wanted to become a nun but realized this was not God’s will.
She was told that she would meet her husband who would be carrying a sword; she saw her future husband in Rome and realized this man was chosen by God.
Maria had many apparitions of our Lady.
The blessed Mother’s message was one of family reconciliation and unity. Society is so fractured on so many levels: economically, politically, socially. Healing and reconciliation must begin first in the family.
Our Lady came as reconciler and healer of all nations. Our Lady will help our families heal and bring us all closer to God.
She had met Padre Pio, and after his death was given the stigmata on Good Fridays.
Others would smell roses in her presence, and Maria could read souls. She had the gift of bilocation, healing, and discernment of souls.
There was also a Eucharistic miracle in Betania in 1991.
The bishop had approved the saying of Masses, and on one occasion the priest saw the host bleeding after the Consecration. It was studied and the blood found to be of human origin and was approved as a miracle.
Check out Father’s book, Maria Esperanza and the Grace of Betania, by clicking the link or visiting the Gift Shop at Betania II Spiritual Retreat and Conference Center.
Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, talks with Dr. Bryan Thatcher about the gift the Lord gives us through St. Faustina.
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