In today’s interview, we hear of the healing of Joe Risi.
He describes how the healing occurred through praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and details how events unfolded.
His mother was a devout Catholic and introduced him to the Chaplet.
She gave him a flier with the Chaplet on it, and he put it in his truck. One day it blew out the window and was lost.
His mother had introduced him to many prayers and devotions, and he was almost relieved when it got lost as it was just another one of mom’s prayers.
He found the exact same flier a year later off the side of the road in a somewhat desolate area, and felt the Lord was telling him that this was important.
Soon after, he was having many medical complaints and saw a doctor.
They ran many tests and the diagnosis was Hepatitis C.
At Mass one day he was given the Anointing of the Sick as his condition deteriorated. The priest told him that he had an inner locution that Joseph would be healed.
He found out shortly thereafter that Hepatitis C was no longer present in his blood.
He has continued to spread the message of Divine Mercy over the years.
He now has a diagnosis of mesothelioma and is undergoing chemotherapy. While he prays for another healing, he know that "Jesus I Trust in You” is the anchor in his life, and he tries to let others know of God’s love.
Dr. Brian Burkey discusses how his faith has helped him in a stressful job. He also discusses how healthcare professionals can most effectively share bad news with patients.
Father Peter Prusakiewicz, a Michaelite Father, has dedicated his life to spreading God's love and the message of Divine Mercy to people around the world.
Father Bruce Niely is a Paulist priest in the Austin, Texas area. He is a Missionary of Mercy priest, has done work in NYC after 9/11, works often with border towns and immigrants, and did pastoral work after the Uvalde shootings.