Fr. Joe Roesch, MIC shares the impact of Fatima on his own life on the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions, and how over the course of several pilgrimages Our Lady has called him to a deeper commitment to the faith and to holiness.
Father Joe Roesch, MIC, shares with us about a Basilica in Paris that bears a special title of Our Lady. Many saints have visited this Marian shrine and many miracles are attributed to her intercession under the title "Our Lady of Victory."
This year, 2022, the Marians of the Immaculate Conception are celebrating our 25-year anniversary in Steubenville, Ohio! From humble beginnings.
Father Joe discusses the "Miracle of the Sun" and the purpose of miracles, which draw us to a deeper faith and, if not a physical healing, then a spiritual one, the healing of our heart and soul.