Beth Zucarelli's Tear-Jerking Account of Her Husband's Near-Death Experience

In a previous episode, I interviewed Paul Zucarelli about his incredible near death experience.

Paul went into cardiac arrest numerous times. You can listen to his story on Episode 16, and also read his book, Faith Understood - An Ordinary Man’s Journey to the Presence of God, available at

In today’s interview we hear from his wife, Beth, and she tearfully discusses how events unfolded through the mercy of God.

Cardiac Problems

Paul had mitral valve prolapse and eventually needed surgery.

Prior to surgery Paul was reading Scripture and knew in his heart that was to undergo suffering. His wife Beth noticed his sorrow and bought him a crucifix which he still wears today.

Surgery went as planned but then he had a post-operative cardiac arrest.

On Pentecost, he coded eight times and Beth was told they could not defibrillate him anymore. Only a rare surgical nerve block was the last hope. He was put in a coma so his heart could rest.

Near Death Experience and Beth

Paul speaks of his near death experience and the story is as clear as when it happened.

But the episode also made Beth realize that although she thought she was prior to this a good Catholic, the experience made her realize that she must do more to live entirely for God and to try to live in His will.

Like many of us today, she prays and prays for her children to return to their Faith, as it is her anchor in life.


She realized that surrendering to God’s will is paramount. She wants all to know of the beauty of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.

For Paul’s near death experience watch his testimony on Episode 16 of “Mercy Unbound,” and also get his book at

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