St. Faustina was taken to Purgatory and said the souls call Mary "Star of the Sea." Why? Why has Mary been called this title for over 1,000 years? What is the meaning of it and why does it matter to us today? Hear Fr. Chris Alar tell the very interesting story.
Rosaries, images, holy water, scapulars, medals, crucifixes, etc. What is their purpose? Why do Catholics use them and is this a violation of the commandments in the Bible? Join Fr.
Hear Fr. Chris Alar explain why October 13 is such an important date, and not just in 1917. And that year, did the Sun really dance? Learn about the significance of 1884 with the discussion between Satan and Jesus. And why haven't we seen the conversion of Russia? Well, it takes two things! (hint: not just the consecration of Russia)
The Church has always taught that in order to grow in the spiritual life, we need a good spiritual director.