Does being pro-life mean we are putting the child ahead of the mother and all other social issues?
Hear Fr. Chris Alar explain how to understand what being pro-life is all about and why is the Church Pro-Life.
In Divine Mercy Sunday, Jesus has given us an incredible gift of mercy and an incredibly easy way to attain it. So what was the promise Jesus made for this one day only and what two easy things do you need to do in order to receive this life-changing grace? You won’t want to miss this episode.
In this special year dedicated to St. Joseph, the head of the heavenly family of Nazareth, Fr. Chris delves into the devotion for this saint who said so little but who accomplished so much.
The debate rages about receiving Holy Communion - should it be only on the tongue or can receiving in the hand be allowed? What is more ancient and what is more proper? Join Fr.