Who was St. Stanislaus Papczynski?

The Early Years

Father Papczynski (1607-1701) was an esteemed theologian, philosopher, and preacher.

He wrote many books, and the Marians wrote a beautiful book on his life titled, Saint Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary Papczynski: The Life and Writings of the Marians’ Founder.

Father first entered the Order of Piarists; the order struggled from 1646-1656 due to rapid growth and laxity of rules, and in 1670 he was dispensed from his vows and set up hermitage in Pia Marianska (Marian Forest).

After many years he was able to start a new order. The Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception was the first male Order dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and this was nearly two centuries before the declaration of this dogma.

His Attitudes on Societal Ills

Regarding the invasion of atheism, materialism, secularism, and consumerism - he stated that the body is a mystical temple of God imbued with faith and sacrifice for love of God.

He said that purgatory and hell existed and the Resurrection was also a reality. Regarding how the world is spiritually starved and confused, he said that we need to instruct the uninformed.

Father was also a great apostle promoting sobriety. Currently, there is a center for alcoholics and addicts at the Shrine in Lichen, Poland.

Beatification and Canonization

St. Stanislaus was beatified in 2007 in Lichen, Poland. He was canonized in 2016 by Pope Francis.

The miracles leading up to his canonization are both amazing, and I encourage you to listen to the story of the infant that had died in the womb. It is a pro-life miracle emphasizing the great mercy of God and the gift of human life.


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