Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC, shares a story of the first "lost thing" Anthony was most famous for finding!
Saint Anthony of Padua (1195-1231), patron of the poor and a Doctor of the Church, is one of our most famous saints, and is most notable for interceding on behalf of those searching for lost things.
Who is St. Scholastica? Marian Postulant Austin teaches us about the life of this holy and devout saint, whose feast day is Feb. 10. St. Scholastica is known as the twin sister of St. Benedict of Nursia, who you may know from the St. Benedict Medal.
Who was St. Anthony of the Desert? In "Saints in Focus," learn more about this Desert Father of Monasticism (feast day: Jan. 17) with Br.
Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC.explains how St. Stanislaus Papczynski was the founder of the Marians and a man ahead of his time.