The Apostles Creed states that Jesus "Descended into hell." What does that mean? Was it the hell of the damned or some other place? And what did he do when he came? What was the purpose of his visit and whom did he encounter? Fr. Chris Alar shows you what the Church has taught on this matter for centuries.
Of the over 10,000 saints in the history of the Church, which saint, other than Mary, has the most miracles? Join Fr. Chris Alar as he explains the incredible life, miracles, and incorruptibility of St. Charbel (or Sharbel) Makhlouf of the Maronite Rite in Lebanon.
It is said that the Rosary is not biblical but rather vain repetitious prayer that is idolatry. Hear Fr.
How is Mary is an integral part of God's plan of Salvation. Can we actually call her the "Mother of God" and why is this January 1 Solemnity of the Mother of God a Holy Day of Obligation?