Is there someone in your life who is hard to love? Turn to any page of St. Faustina's Diary, and you'll find spiritual gems, like this one:
Oh, how often virtue suffers only because it remains silent. To be sincere with those who are incessantly stinging us demands much self denial. One bleeds but has no visible wounds. (236)
Turn to any page of St. Faustina’s Diary, and you’ll find spiritual gems. Like this one:
Do not rely on creatures, even in the smallest things, because this displeases Me. (295)
How do you treat the poor? Turn to any page of St. Faustina's Diary, and you'll find spiritual gems. Like this one:
I also withhold My punishments only because of you. You restrain Me, and I cannot vindicate the claims of My justice. You bind My hands with your love (Diary, 1193).