In this second of three episodes explaining the Mass, Fr. Chris Alar discusses the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We are invited into the Upper Room as the priest consecrates bread and wine into the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Find out why the Mass has more scripture than any Sunday Protestant Service.
Watch Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, and the Marian Fathers and Brothers from the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy on our weekly show, "Living Divine Mercy," airing on EWTN every Wednesday at 6:30 pm EST, with an encore presentation on Mondays at 9:00 am EST. Through teaching segments, Bible and St. Faustina Diary excerpts, as well as real-life examples of people who are living Divine Mercy in their lives, you will learn why Jesus said Divine Mercy is mankind's last hope of salvation!
Discover much more about the Incarnation and why God became man then you though you knew!
Does God want us to make a specific choice for each decision in our life? If so, how do we know what that choice should be? How do we know when we want something if it is our will or God's will?
Go back to seminary with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the Transfiguration in a way that will inspire you. In one event, the Transfiguration of Our Lord, several truths of our faith from the Old Testament are fulfilled. Fr. Chris tells the significance of the appearance of Elijah and Moses and draws parallels between their experiences and Jesus’ actions.