What is the "Dark Night" of the senses and Dark Night of the Soul? Fr. Chris Alar explains that we will all face deep desolation and dryness and what the difference is between depression and something spiritual that God may be doing in us. This critical teaching in moral theology of St. John of the Cross and Theresa of Avila is paramount to growing in holiness and preparing for death.
What does the Church teach about Mary Magdalene? Was she really a prostitute? If so, doesn't that degrade women? Wouldn't Jesus first have appeared to His own mother?
What do we mean by "Divine Mercy"? How does God seek to help His creatures overcome their miseries? How do we receive the graces of Divine Mercy Sunday? Father Chris explains.
We know Jesus appointed 12 Apostles to carry out the work of heaven. What was that work? And after Jesus died, what happened to each of them? Hear Fr.