Today on Saints in Focus, Br. Stephen, MIC, teaches us about the life of St. Martin of Tours. St. Martin is most famous for an act of mercy; once meeting a beggar on the road, St. Martin split his military cloak in half and gave half to the beggar. His feast day is celebrated on November 11. St. Martin of Tours, pray for us!
Our non-Catholic brethren often claim that our Catholic faith is not based on the Bible, and is even contrary to it. Not true, as Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains, sharing how the Catholic Church used her authority from Jesus Himself to put together the Bible as we know it today.
Who was St. Maria Goretti? Today on Saints in Focus, listen to Br. Jeff, MIC, as he explains the story of St. Maria Goretti and the great courage she had to remain pure and give her life as a martyr for Christ. One of the most incredible stories of all the saints!
Celebrate the feast day of the Apostle St. Matthew on Sept. 21! Join Fr. Matt Tomeny, MIC, as he tells the story of St. Matthew's incredible conversion, answering the call to serve, and his commission to go out and bring the teachings of Christ to the world.