
At the tombs of the Fatima visionaries, Fr. Joe shares about the sacrifices the children willingly made in response to Our Lady's apparitions, so they could unite with Our Lady's plan to save souls and bring people to Heaven.

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Our Lady looked sad after the Miracle of the Sun, telling the children that God was offended by the sins of the world.

Despite what the devil wants us to believe, hell does exist! But why, if God is good, would he allow such a thing as hell to exist, with all its suffering and pain? In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, helps us to understand that hell is a consequence of the gift of free will that God gave us. We also hear the story of former atheist, Howard Storm, who experienced hell in a near-death experience.

Our Lady told the visionaries that her Immaculate Heart would be their refuge and lead them to God. With all that is going on in our world today, we need to find such a safe place.