Our Lady of Częstochowa: The Faithful Mother who hears the cries of her children
Our Lady of Częstochowa is not well known to many around the world. Yet at her Shrine, gazing tenderly from her image for over centuries, she has heard the cry of countless pilgrims and responded with an extraordinary grace of healing, consolation, guidance and love and restored many to life. Those who have placed great confidence in her maternal intercession received extraordinary miracles from the treasury of her Divine Son. Join Fr. Kazimierz Chwalek, MIC, as he provides an in depth discussion of Our Lady of Częstochowa at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy.
Listen to Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC, as he explains how to prayerfully pray the Rosary.
The Blessed Virgin Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth was a work of mercy and so much more! Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, discusses the many facets of this event and what it means for our faith. Then learn about the Gratia Plena Ministry and how they are helping teen girls to overcome the lies told them by the secular world.