A New Charism: Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Jill Metz and Lori Brown are both involved in the Flame of Love Ministry, which developed from the writings of a Hungarian woman, Elizabeth Kindelmann, from 1961 to 1982. Jill is the U.S. Communications Director of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ministry, and Lori is the U.S. Regional Director of the Midwest and North. The U.S. website is at flameoflove.us

A New Charism for the Church Approved

After a special commission investigated the purported messages from Jesus and Mary to Ms. Kindelmann, a pronouncement was made on June 5, 2009: “Our church recognizes as authentic, in accord with the Catholic faith, all the material contained in the spiritual diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann. at this point, the entire church receives this charism as a gift from God.”

A Modern Mystic

Elizabeth Kindelmann was a Hungarian woman who lived from 1913-1985. She was an orphan and a humble mother of six children. Her mission was to communicate the flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a unique grace from the Eternal Father. The spiritual diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann received an Imprimatur from Cardinal Peter Redo.

The Blessed Mother's Greatest Miracle

We know that we are living in troubled times, and it seems like the world is upside down. Elizabeth wrote in her diary in 1962 that, ”Satan takes up his battle with the human race as never before.” The Blessed Mother told Elizabeth, “I place a beam in your hands; it is the Flame of Love of my heart. Add your love to this flame and pass it on to others, my little one." (April 13, 1962) The flame of love signals graces that blind Satan and sets people free! Jesus said, “The flame of love in the heart of My Mother is Noah’s ark.” (Diary page 294, spring 1981). The Blessed Mother also told Elizabeth that she is in the process of accomplishing her greatest miracle.

Mary's Petition for Souls

The Diary ends with the petition, “My children, pray for one another without ceasing. Let the outpouring of my graces produce its effect in soul.” (Diary, pages 294, 295). If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts!

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