Does the Church allow Yoga, Reiki, Ouija Boards, Horoscopes, dreamcatchers, Astrology, Tai Chi, tarot cards, etc., or are these New Age superstitions? Fr. Chris Alar explains.
He’s one of the most popular saints, especially for animal and bird lovers. Yet St. Francis of Assisi did not start out that way. He had an easy life, enjoyed the party scene, and even admitted, “I lived in great sin.” Father Chris Alar, MIC, reveals Francis’ remarkable journey to sainthood. Then hear the story of Jennifer Hubbard. Her daughter died tragically in the Sandy Hook shooting, and Jennifer started a foundation in her memory because she adored animals, just like St. Francis.
Join Fr. Chris Alar as he explains why Jesus died on the Cross and why the main reason is one we do not often think about.
What does it mean to be the Vicar of Christ? What does Church teaching that the Pope is infallible really mean? It isn't what you think. Join Fr. Chris Alar as he explains what the Church really teaches about the papacy, the Ordinary Magisterium, the Extraordinary Magisterium, Apostolic Succession, Ex Cathedra, etc. and if the Pope can make an error or not.