How to Get to Heaven? Answer: Grace. But we HAVE to cooperate with that grace. And how we do is by living the virtues. Among all the virtues, what are the most important? Hear Fr. Chris explain the Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance as well as the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love.
Even going back to the Old Testament, the people of God have always had priests to mediate between them and God; to offer sacrifices in expiation for the sin of the people. Did the role of the priest change in the New Testament? And if so, how? Hear Fr. Chris discuss the priesthood and interview Mark Wahlberg about his new movie, Father Stu.
Was Martin Luther a hero of justice or a disobedient leader of revolt? Fr.
The first ever Marian apparition was Our Lady of the Pillar (see previous talk), but the first ever Marian devotion was Mary, Help of Christians.