What is Mary's role in salvation history? Why do Catholics honor her? Why do we turn to her intercession? Father Chris explains Fr. Chris explains how Mary is The Gift of Mercy .
When we die, we will all go through not only one, but two judgments. Surprising! In the second episode of this 4-part series on the 4 Last Things, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains the particular and the general judgments that we will undergo and then he is joined by author Daniel O’Connor to discuss the judgements in more detail.
What do we mean by "Divine Mercy"? How does God seek to help His creatures overcome their miseries? How do we receive the graces of Divine Mercy Sunday? Father Chris explains.
Join us as Fr. Chris Alar explains how Advent is a penitential season like Lent, as we prepare ourselves for the three comings of Christ: the Incarnation, the Second Coming, and the coming of Jesus into our hearts through the Eucharist.