Life is an ADVENTURE - Make sure God is part of it!

Chris Patterson is an attorney and has been active in the Church for many years.

In his book, The Adventure: Living Out Your Relationship with God, Chris discusses how life truly is an adventure waiting to be experienced, but with God.

People often feel isolated and alone - who is the “family?”

When we think of family we often think of parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, etc. But the Church family is much bigger than that.

We have the Communion of Saints - all those that have died and are with God in heaven or are in purgatory. We have the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and all the saints who serve as role models and whom we can ask for their intercession and guidance.

Chris talks about hearing the God's voice. How do we hear his voice?

God speaks to us in many ways: as we read and reflect on Sacred Scripture, through the Church, a spiritual director, parents, and loved ones, when praying, and more.

We must follow the Scripture and Church teachings lest Satan mislead us.

God wants us to “take the ride” with Him!

We must try harder to trust in God, but that involves getting to know Him.

We must be Christ-like but also see Christ in others. Like an athlete that prepares for an event, we must put forth an effort to know Him. And that involves a community of people, because we are social beings, and we have the need to be with others.

That is the beauty of prayer groups, youth groups, etc. The religious benefits may be secondary as people may be drawn to groups due to the socialization and activities. But good things happen when we discuss God.

Chris Patterson’s book is available through Our Sunday Visitor.

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