Kathleen Beckman is a wife, mother, author, and speaker. Today, we explore her book "Blessed Holiness - A Spiritual Journey with Blessed Conchita to the Heart of Jesus."
In her book, Kathleen delves into the life of Maria Concepcion de Armida, also known as Blessed Conchita. Despite having limited education, Blessed Conchita had mystical experiences from a young age. Amidst raising nine children and founding five apostolates, she produced numerous volumes of profound spiritual writings. Her extraordinary mystical journey and her writings for priests emphasized the intertwined nature of love and sacrifice. She sought to convey that holiness is not exclusive to religious individuals but is a calling for all the laity. The Church has reviewed her impressive collection of sixty-six volumes.
Conchita, born and raised in Mexico, came from a devout Catholic family and had a deep devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. As she came to realize the profound connection between love and suffering, it became an integral part of her life and spirituality. One of her sons became a Jesuit priest, and a daughter entered religious life. Conchita's mission was to guide priests on their path to holiness, sanctity, sacrifice, and union with the Good Shepherd. Three of her spiritual advisors are currently on the path to canonization. She authored numerous volumes on the priesthood and their pursuit of holiness.
Like the saints who came before her, Conchita faced trials and suffering. She experienced the loss of four children. As a mother and grandmother, she wrote letters urging her family to strive for the highest level of holiness. She prepared her husband for a holy death. Conchita had a vision of the cross and lived during the time of the Cristeros War, witnessing the martyrdom of priests and nuns. She understood that when we carry our own crosses, the Holy Spirit bestows upon us the grace to endure. The ultimate goal is to live according to God's Will.
We must all strive for holiness. The saints radiated the love of God and understood that true peace is found in aligning ourselves with God's Will. Conchita's spiritual journey was guided by the Virgin of Solitude, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Our Lady of the Cross. She felt a profound connection to Our Lady of the Cross, understanding that suffering is an integral part of the cross and that the Holy Spirit provides us with the grace to walk alongside Jesus. Conchita walked a path similar to that of Our Lady, whose love supported her. In Kathleen's book on the Mystical Incarnation, she highlights a special grace bestowed upon Conchita, which is available to all the baptized — a grace rooted in baptism. Just as God resided within Our Lady, we too must be united with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There are three stages: the priestly stage which offers Jesus to the Father in union with us, the Eucharistic stage in which we unite our bodies and souls to Christ during Mass, and the Marian stage in which we unite with Our Lady as she magnifies the Lord.
Salvation of souls is one of the prominent themes in Conchita's writings. She fervently prayed, "Jesus save them," interceding for the sanctification of her husband and children. This is a practice we should all emulate.
Conchita's mystical experiences bear similarities to those of Teresa of Avila and Maria Faustina. Their interior lives serve as exemplary models, helping us comprehend the call to holiness and the proper way to live our lives. Conchita also delved into the Sacred Heart and the interior sufferings of Christ in her writings.
Explore more of Conchita’s story in Kathleen’s new book, available for purchase at SophiaInstitute.com and Amazon. Kathleen is a popular presenter on topics including the spiritual life, Divine Mercy, Mary, and the spirituality of Blessed Conchita. Contact Kathleen directly through her website, KathleenBeckman.com.
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