Ambassador Eduard Habsburg serves as Hungary’s Ambassador to the Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta. As a member of the historic Habsburg family, his lineage is deeply intertwined with European history, including Austria, Hungary, Germany, Spain, and beyond. Known formally as Archduke Eduard of Austria, he is a diplomat, social media personality, devoted family man, and an accomplished author. He and his wife, Baroness Maria Theresia von Gudenus, are blessed with six children.
In this episode, we discuss Ambassador Habsburg’s latest book, Building a Wholesome Family in a Broken World: Habsburg Lessons from the Centuries, available on Sophia Institute Press and Amazon.
The book reflects on the enduring Catholic values of the Habsburg dynasty, particularly their love of marriage and family. He writes, “If any European family knew about marriage and family, it was the Habsburgs.” He also highlights the famous Latin phrase associated with his ancestors: Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube — “Let others wage war; you, happy Austria, marry.”
He emphasizes the importance of shared faith, a commitment to family, openness to children, modesty, and cultural complementarity when discerning a spouse. Notably absent from his list are superficial qualities like being “hot” or “sexy,” which he argues are fleeting. Instead, he stresses the virtues of chastity and intentional courtship, writing, “I never dated a woman whom I could not imagine marrying.”
Some inspiration for the book came from a conversation with young Catholic women who asked him how to find a man who loves the faith, practices chastity, and cherishes children. Moved by their question, Ambassador Habsburg dedicated a chapter, Courtship and Finding the Right Spouse, to addressing these concerns. In it, he draws on Habsburg traditions and Catholic teaching to offer guidance on living a virtuous life and building strong families.
Ambassador Habsburg also underscores the centrality of the sacraments in family life. He encourages frequent reception of the Eucharist and regular participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation as vital practices for spiritual growth. He reminds readers that children are the greatest gift spouses can give to each other and that parents must lead by example, as children imitate what they see.
Ultimately, the Habsburg family’s deep Catholic faith provided the foundation for their success in marriage and family life—a legacy of virtue and holiness that Ambassador Habsburg hopes to inspire in today’s world.
Join Dr. Bryan Thatcher as he delves into the Image, the Chaplet, and Feast of Divine Mercy, and includes how we are called to live the message through the forgiveness of others and self, trust in God, and being merciful to others.
In this episode, we discuss Maria Keffler's book, Desist, Detrans, and Detox. This excellent resource provides parents with the tools they need to navigate the cultural challenges of our time, offering guidance in a society where many feel uncertain about where to turn.
Dr. Paul Chaloux, a Catholic theologian, delves into the profound themes of love and suffering in his latest book. Dr. Chaloux emphasizes the sacrificial nature of love exemplified by Christ’s suffering and death.