The Church is now offering special Plenary Indulgences during the time of Covid. Fr. Chris Alar explains how to get them.
Having a laugh by reading a horoscope or a fortune cookie is not a mortal sin. However, taking such a horoscope seriously, or paying an astrologer to tell you your future, is sinful. Father Chris Alar, MIC, reveals the danger of using New Age practices like tarot cards, black magic, and witchcraft to discover the future. Then hear the amazing story of Lisa Fixler, who was tired of seeing all the demonic and occult images on children’s skateboards and decided to do something positive about it.
What is true and what is not regarding St. Mother Teresa? Did she have dryness in prayer? Did she feel God abandoned her? Did she lose her faith? Fr.
Despite what the devil wants us to believe, hell does exist! But why, if God is good, would he allow such a thing as hell to exist, with all its suffering and pain? In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, helps us to understand that hell is a consequence of the gift of free will that God gave us. We also hear the story of former atheist, Howard Storm, who experienced hell in a near-death experience.