What does the Church really teach about contraception? Hear Fr. Chris Alar explain why the Church teaches what it does on this subject.
What is the truth about the Church and Galileo? It is not what you have always heard. Join Fr. Chris Alar as he takes you back to seminary and tells the truth of what really happened with Galileo and the Church's view about science.
This title was given to Our Blessed Mother after her appearances to St. Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France. Learn more about her from Fr. Allen Alexander, MIC, as he explains who she is and what her message from heaven is.
Do you have a love-hate relationship with the Sacrament of Confession? While most of us know that Confession is about forgiveness, you will learn that is not actually the main objective... surprisingly, something else is. Watch this week’s episode to gain an increased understanding of this most important, and sometimes forgotten, Sacrament as well as inspiring story of a woman's experience in the Confessional.