We all know about our Christmas time festivities, but do we know why the traditions we have came about?
When does Christmas actually begin and when does the Christmas season actually end?
What is the true meaning of the season and why do we celebrate it on December 25?
Find out this and more in this episode of Living Divine Mercy!
Series: Living Divine Mercy
September is the month of Our Lady of Sorrows, also called Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows. This title focuses on Mary's intense suffering during the Passion of Her Son, Jesus.
Watch to understand why we need to listen to Mary's message now more than ever, as Fr. Chris Alar tells the amazing stories of Our Lady of LaVang, Our Lady of Coromoto, and Our Lady of Lichen.
On Monday, January 8, 2024, we celebrate an incredibly important feast, the Baptism of Jesus, as described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.