Why did the Church split in 1054 and what are the similarities and differences between the Catholic and Orthodox Church? Fr. Chris Alar explains why this is important in understanding what is happening in the Church and world today.
Is there a connection between the discipline required to excel at sports and the discipline required to excel in our faith? What does the Catholic Church teach about sports? In addition to discussing these topics, Fr. Chris Alar also sits down to talk with Coach Lou Holtz, a former coach of the University of Notre Dame football team and a life-long faithful Catholic.
Pope Benedict XVI wrote extensively on what is called the three non-negotiables when it comes to casting your vote - so, what are they?
Like Moses, Jesus ascended on a mountain to bring a rule for living to the people. He showed them how to find permanent bliss that nothing can take away: not sickness, not poverty, nor persecution. These are the Beatitudes, and Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains their meaning and application in our daily lives. Then pay a visit to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in Wisconsin, a special place where Mary appeared and the Beatitudes came alive.