The Blueprint for Keeping Your Faith as a Medical Professional

Ever wonder if your faith can carry over into your work?

Is it a job or a vocation?

Dr. Brian Burkey, MD, an ENT specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, discusses how he brings his faith into the workplace, transforming work into a vocation and becoming an icon of the merciful Savior to those patients under his care.

What is the C.M.A. and what is its vision?

The Catholic medical Association is a group of physicians whose mission is to inspire physicians to imitate the life of Jesus Christ. The encouragement and fellowship provided is essential as they strive to treat patients as children of God. People know Dr. Burkey is a physician, not so much by externals, but by the way he treats patients and co-workers with respect and kindness.

What is the SPIKES system and why was it developed?

The SPIKES system is a way for healthcare professionals to deliver bad news to patients. In the long run, it assists patients to better deal with the problem and improve patient compliance.

The S is for “setting the stage,” the P for “assess perception” understanding the patient’s view and understanding, I is for “obtain an invitation,” that is, delivering the truth and respecting their autonomy, K is for “the key” and means sharing the doctor’s knowledge but in a kind and charitable way, E is for “empathy” and means being kind in one’s delivery, and S is for “strategy and summary” as the team-approach is used and strategies of healthcare are developed.

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