Mark Drogin was born a Jew. But once he converted to Catholicism, was he still a Jew?
How did this man journey from Jewish atheist, to college drug addict, to a hippie living in a commune, and finally to devout Catholic?
Find out on today’s show.
Mark contacted the Edith Stein society and was told to contact Father Klieber, who worked with him and encouraged him to read the writings of Rabbi Zolli, Chief Rabbi of Rome who held this most influential position during World War II. The Rabbi had converted and stated that his conscience required him to confess his belief in the God of Israel and that Jesus is the Messiah.
In the commune there was strong anti-Catholic sentiment.
But when Roe v. Wade came out, it was the Church that stood up for life and that caught his attention. Later he watched the movie, “A Man for All Seasons,” detailing St. Thomas More and how he stood up for his beliefs against King Henry VIII. Those were two events that led him to take a deeper look at the Church.
Mark says he knows now he made the correct decision, but initially it was more of a giant leap of faith.
One morning in Mass at the Consecration he began trembling and realized that Jesus is present in the Eucharist. In some ways, he feels Catholicism is not a new religion but a vessel to administer the mercy of God and grace-filled sacraments from Jesus the Son of God.
Although a Messianic Jew, Jews and Gentiles are all now part of the mystical body of Christ.
Dr. John Bruchalski is a former abortionist who had his own profound conversion. He shares with us the life of Dr. Jerome Lejeune, a French physician and geneticist, as their lives have intertwined.
Rose Sweet is a highly experienced and certified life and relationship coach, and a pioneer in the field of divorce healing ministry.
We interview Dr. Anne Grant and discuss the many effects of this Pandemic.