The Apostles' Creed

We proclaim the Nicene Creed at every Sunday Mass, starting with “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty.” Our God became one of us, which makes us different than any other religion in the world. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the different parts of what we call our Profession of Faith. Then hear the story of Fr. James Bors, a priest who through incredible tragedy was reminded that God is always with us.

Watch Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, and the Marian Fathers and Brothers from the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy on our weekly show, "Living Divine Mercy," airing on EWTN every Wednesday at 6:30 pm EST, with an encore presentation on Mondays at 9:00 am EST.  Through teaching segments, Bible and St. Faustina Diary excerpts, as well as real-life examples of people who are living Divine Mercy in their lives, you will learn why Jesus said Divine Mercy is mankind's last hope of salvation!

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