The Amazing Conversion Story of a Former Abortionist

Dr. John Bruchalski, MD, is a medical doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynecology.

He was raised Catholic by his devout Catholic parents. Once in academia he lost his faith and describes himself as an atheist. He looks back and discusses the notion that in academia the belief is that all unanswered things attributed to faith will one day be explained, and there is no God.

The Early Training Years

During medical school and all the years in speciality training, he bought into the notion that abortion, contraception, and sexual liberation were a necessity for women to flourish in today’s society. He was prating all realms of the field including late-term abortion.

However, one day a female Catholic physician colleague and Dr. John were working trying to save a neonate and she pulled him aside and told him to rethink his position, as these tiny babies were not diseases but human beings.

His Heart Started to Heal

He made a trip to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe a few years earlier but said that “he had blown off the Mother of God.” Shortly after the conversation with the doctor, his mother invited him to Medjugorje. There he realized the gravity of his mistakes and returned home, vowing never to kill babies again.

Tepeyac OB-Gyn Care

He opened the Tepeyac Center and provides free care to those in need. To help cover costs, he started a nonprofit called Divine Mercy Care.

Awards Received

In 2017 he traveled to Bucharest to receive the Life Hero Award, given to one who exemplifies the work of Dr. Jerome Lejeune. He received in April an award from a department at Notre Dame for his work, and sadly stated how it is ironic that one would receive recognition for promoting life and doing the right thing.

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